LIKE it~

Sunday 24 May 2015

感性篇 - 我们 [LOVE]

我们快要4年了  说长不长  说短不短的
陪我经历这4年来的每一段  开心 兴奋 伤心 难过 种种的日子
当然我们也有过和常人一样的情侣生活  会吵架 会撒娇 会迁就  会哄  然后 接受对方

当然也经历过了  远距离恋爱  就在我 出国读书  出国工作  都是 半年以上的时间
而你  也在原地  想着 爱着 在远方的我
我们彼此  用着简单的通讯
由 MSN - Whatsapp - FB Messenger - WeChat - FaceTime 来聊 分享  了解 对方的境况
直到现在 我们的首用MSN 也没有了 以前的小小点滴也找不回了
但还记得的是  我们的暧昧时期是由 MSN 领着我们到 情侣阶段的
就由 《暖心》 开始
还记着当你传 那首歌的链接 给我  一开始听  我的心 就扑咚扑咚 的跳
现在回想 还是会有  那一种  青涩  无法适从的 奇妙感觉

接下来  我们的见面次数 越来越多 几乎每天都见面吧
也记得  第一次抱着我是在 Strait Quay  我不小心撞到头了
你也心疼着  抱着我 轻轻的抚摸着我的头  问 “ 还疼么”
我相信  你的心 也陪着我 迅速的跳着吧
我永远 都不会忘记 那一刻 我们对望着的感觉
当然  不止这些  也经历了很多傻事  放飞机篇 淋雨篇  警察篇  书局篇  乌龙篇  等等

我出国啦  你超担心我的  怕我冷着  怕我被人拐了 怕我在夜店被人灌醉了
我知道你担心我  每每  和你说声  放心  我真的会照顾自己
就这样  时差7-8小时的远距离恋爱 就在4个月后  结束  因为我也安全的回来了

殊不知  几个月后  我又跑了  那次到台湾了
刚刚到台湾的那一天  很心急的跑去找我的电话卡  深怕你在那担心我到报警
在机场的几个小时  我们聊很多
虽说我嘴上说 很快我又回来了  但我不敢告诉你
我的心在哭  我想回家  我想抱着你  陪在你身边就好了
由于网路缘故  出海就毫无讯息
你在Wechat的留言  我听一次  我哭一次
可想而知  你很担心我  我也很想念你
可能太挂念了  每每  回到房间  会重播  又重播
直到哭完  累了  睡了
我的生活  就是  每一天就一直在找  机会  打电话给你  和你FaceTime
1个月过去了  你很感性的  传了一封超长的简讯给我  当中提到了
“未来我放弃  神魔”      “好后悔 没正常点的  好好和我聊电话”   等等
我的第一反应就是  哭  那是就好想  直接飞回去  抱着你 告诉你 我回来了
3个月过去了  发现你的新工作改变你很多  成熟了
再来一个很感性的简讯  是为我们的未来想了
原来你当时就在想  我们的人生计划
当提到  希望我回来和你  一起计划这我们的人生   我就真的 又哭了

终于回来啦  我不走了  我想一直留在这里了
因为  我错过太多太多
由于经历过些事  也看过些事了
发现  我对你的感觉  从来没有减少过  反而  ‘严重’了

虽然还需要进步  但我相信我可以做得到   最好的那个
所以最近 我开始  想和你开始计划  计划你和我提过的 人生计划
我不懂  这是应该这样开始吗   还是需要点什么来开始
就感觉到   我可能已经  准备好了


就像当初刚在一起时   曾经想过的   一些简单的动作
在你上班前  在你额头留下个吻  再说  加油哦  比比  爱你哟
在你下班前  准备好你想吃的饭菜   回到来  很舒服的  坐下
津津有味的 吞下 所有的饭菜  再告诉我  宝贝  好好吃哦  谢谢你
睡前  额头再留个吻  说晚安  我爱你
直到老来  还是那样的  过

你的宝贝  我 有你就够了  我的 比比  [LOVE]


你就是我要找的  [LOVE]

Wednesday 13 May 2015


We already been together around 3 years plus and love so much.
We knew each others, but it make us losing the previous "fire" to each other.
We start to blame, argue and have the distance each other

Please do not let something to influence the heart to do something might confuse and make the wrong decision. it might bring regret after all.

LOVE can be last longer is because know each other well and there is no blaming and accepted the bad things. those bad thing is the things you should love since the 1st day u know them.

I LOVE the thing you have, even bad things. i accepted.
Just let to know what gonna to know, that is the important of communication! and is the best way to know each other WELL!!

please do not make me disappointed!!


Tuesday 23 September 2014

Hey, long time didn't write something here.. almost forgot there is a blog belongs to me to write something here...

i miss u guys, how about you? well, I am working adult now... my 1st job was in Taiwan... work with cruises, erm... not used to it yet, because sometime will rough sea>

This definitely is a new life here, facing the new environment, new people, and also the working pressure ( of course every job has their own difficulty, same as mine)  

so ADD Oil ya... and also want to keep my body as fit as i can see my ABs!!!
My god.. work for few months my Abs disappear already, i gonna find it back... if not i will get people laugh....  

so i wish my dream can come true when reached end of the year.    Everyone gambahteh ya...

Tuesday 9 July 2013

我的 ‘人生’~



由于我想挑战自己,我的朋友们都跑到 UTAR 继续Degree,而我为了想要出国,坚持孤身奋斗,勇往直前留在 Penang 读 Advanced,但由于我的能力‘有限’,那段时间是来 体验新事物的,但让免不了的   紧张,害怕,时间不够,当然有时还会想哭[尤其是做论文的时候],简直想放弃勒。。。由于交了新朋友,他们也教会了我很多东西,也帮了我很多忙,所以多多少少,让我的生活过好一些些。。好啦,到了最后一次考试啦,那情景就好像Diploma的最后一次考试那样。。很Tension! 其实我还以为会被留在家里没得出国了,因为我觉得我其实没什么心机去温习,也不懂为什么。。好无奈!但!我就这样的又过关斩将,Advanced又毕业了!

终于在 23/05/13,我出国啦, 在 Liverpool, UK, 又是一种新体验,说真的,功课超难的,还好又给我遇到一班愿意教我做功课的朋友。。。另外,在这里买什么,都会Convert价钱又会想到‘好贵啊’。。因为我真的怕我的未来  度‘债’如年(虽然我已负债了)。。。所以我男朋友会说我有时太吝啬。。有时又说我太厉害省了... LOL



P/s: 太久没写了好像文不对题 LOL.....将就将就下,看得明白就好了吧~^^ 下次再上来~

Thursday 24 January 2013

Im Back~

Is Year 2013
2012/12/21 not the end of the earth, which mean that i have to keep moving for tomorrow.

Well, seems like i have disappear for some time at here, and now im back to share everything is worth to share at here...[oh, poor Language]

From last blog (June 2012), i have miss out so much of words that should wrote at here, but i will definitely tell u that im busy, i have no time and bla bla bla....--> LAZY , i knew it~

This few months i have face the most stressfulness in Advanced Diploma, THESIS, final year project... i have cry for this, i have think  to give up to do this.... but luckily, i have some friends that willing to helping me when i ask for help..i have to say Thank You to u guys.

Besides, i have the sweetest moment that period too.
with my bii, Bernard... he start to teach me handle the online business, deal with customer and everything, although that is not a big business , but for me is quite successful thing in my life, hehe^^
so Thank You to helping me to have my own online business
Fairy.TalesLoveMe.FairyTales   (click in and have a look)

- 1st year anniversary
- 1st time Malacca budget travel

- 1st time do Passport to Hatyai budget Travel
- 1st time New year countdown he was not beside me

Besides, My bii have spent some time and money went for the travel twice in this period, which Malacca and Hatyai (budget travelling)...
Well, i like this kind of travel, no time limit, no tour guide, no rush,  only have to manage well the usage of the money~and is a nice experience ~ [more fun with him, more weight i gain... sad]

[Click] Travel album


Sunday 3 June 2012

开 [店] 啦~




比如说,没有设计感的我,要为自己的 [店] 做个造型。。


从 Making decision -- Survey market -- Searching the stock -- Designing my Logo --Photo shoot my stock -- Edit my Picture -- Promote my Pages -- Sell my item and ....

都是一手包办...不敢奢望,但愿我的 “买家” 可以


Q:  为什么一个Batch就卖这样少东西??
A:  就因为都不会重复进同样的货,所以每一次来到货是几种Pattern,
     而且数量也是有限的哦~ : )

**如果真的买不到心头好,那就期待下一Batch咯~ ^^


Monday 7 May 2012

review back~[didnt have much photo on this blog]

sorry for disappearing for a period of time.

miss u guys so much....who??? all bloggers, all my friends, and also the followers [ of course include the people i love]

what should i share today, quite a period that didn't update here...many story out there haven't updated , and most of the moment was funny and also memorable for me...

214 Valentine Day~
actually i dont know what should i prepare for it...just a simple celebrated with him at Gurney RedBox after i work...
no much photograph, no much surprise for him, but he bring the surprise for me~ A Branded Bag From C.K.
[ Love Him so Much~ Muackssss]

225 My Baby Birthday~
Celebrate with him at Gurney Shopping Mall [Lunch]
Straits Quay Secret Recipe [Blow Candle Ceremony]
Penang PAC [Opera]
and also the surprise from me...handmade b'day card and a small present that hide inside his car.
 [ i think i am not good in giving the surprise lor~hehe]

419 My 2x B'day~
really a simple b'day for me...because that day was my mum operation day, so after i finished the job, i go to hospital and visit my mum until very late of the night...
by the way, i had a small celebration with my best friends and my Baby at Victoria Station before the actual date~
although is a simple dinner and celebration among of them, it feels so warm and thankful~ ^^

425 My Result Released
so happy that my all Resit Paper are PASS ~thank you my friends give the helping hands and support to me, especially my BF...used the cruel way but also the support way to motivate me~

428 A Big Day for the Protesters and also for Me
a big day for those Malaysians who love the Malaysia's future ....i am not the one that attend the Big Day, because the safety problem, and my mum not allow too...[but i am the one keep follow up the news oh]
besides, is my last day of my internship~will Miss Them Much~hehe ^^

507 Complicated day
back to my hostel and tidy the table and throw something that had "EXPIRED", feel like i did some wrong decision in previous years, before i meet my LOVE one~ waste my time and $ a SHIT Day for me...

overall, i think these few months' story are in the post....not much surprise date and things, but i still love it...

Monday 2 January 2012

1st post at 2012~

***Word , World***

:enough already, i dun like ppl compare me with others..i dun like, and think nobody will like it
it really hurt

but no one know..because they think it will be a kind of motivation to let u do the thing, but i am not think will just hurt me heart deeply...

sometime i really try my best to do it...but dun know why, it cant work..
how can i do??...i didnt blame anyone, but just the word from my heart!!

damn it, when i heard " this is the motivation to make u work hard"
i dun like this kind of motivation seriously!

anyway, i will prove that i really had put the effort in what u all always said about me...i will do it and u will see it soon!

in the brand new year, sure have many thing i wish to get it

like i want keep fit, although i had said from few years ago, and many ppl still think i am just say this but do this year, i will keep it...whatever u say, i will not care target is i can get my dream weight...

my study, everytime face this situation, i feel like no mood la...too difficult...
"Advanced Diploma"..
actually quite hard to study, unless u really have the good basic, but im not the need work hard then the others...and positive minded..although i always think time to change too...

well, in the brand new year, i have so many thing to say and do
so good luck to my in this 2012 la..^^

***in this blog, maybe feel like i am fed up with something and someone, actually dont KEPO and SI SUA think

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Our 3rd Months Anniversary^^

long time didnt update my blog already..

yea, but not every day..

this year is going end, same like my 1st sem of Advanced Diploma at TARC..
but something happy that i never mention here since last post at 30 August 2011

which i start the new relationship with my LOVE 1^^
he is a good guy, he is kind, he is carrying, may be i love him only feel like very single thing that related to him i felt so wonderful^^

in these 3 months,

-- he taught me many thing,
-- he care my everything,
-- watched all the movie i like with me
-- follow me be a vegetarian for 1 month,
-- play "mamasak" with me (cos he lose the games)
-- always said
: "久久一次,不要紧啦,要就吃/买啦" -- but he forget that, he just said it yesterday...
-- find the restaurants for me(always eat ho liao)
and it bring few extra KG for me..><
haha-- its mean i fat jor...

i dun know how to describe him
he look cute
abit fat fat(my pillow ^^v )
mature mindset
know how to respect others
love his family...and
he is so perfect for me..He is my Bii~~


my CONVO~with him..

Dinner ~with him...

Friend's Bro Wedding Dinner ~with him...

Lunch ~with him...

thx you for this few months that keep take care of me
although we have few small small argue, but i know u always give me WIN ...

thank you ya^^

29/12 is our 3rd Month Anniversary
congratz congratz ya^^

LOVE u 4ever ya Bii^^ muacksssssss~

Tuesday 30 August 2011

The Special Fri and Sat~


he took me to a place that very special restaurant-- Chai Diam Ma...but there is only few dish for us to choose...but drinks there have many type la^^

this is mine...actually my friend older d same food also...^^

the taste actually not bad[cos i like d cheese^^]...just because tat is macaroni but not RICE... so..okok lo...^^
after finished, full till i cannot walk~

after that i follow him to work--> just the product shooting~
few mins, his job is DONE~

then we watch the 3D movie
Final Destination 5[with 3D oh...^^]
the movie was nice....have many scenes i get shocked...
and my friend just laugh me at thr...[speechless]

after the movie...walk walk awhile den having our dinner d...
i intro him to Xuan xin Restaurant....
again...we order many again...haha..

my friend 1^^

mine 1^^

after that we went to Popular to find some book and see....
and it happened many thing also...haha[think diok pun laugh]

9pm...i suggested
*a cup of ChatTime,but all finished~
den we find the tong soi restaurant...
*Sugar Dynasty..closed~
*All About Sugar & Gift... closed~
last chance...
*阿嫲糖水铺(sunshine Lip Sin thr)...closed also..~

i think:" what happened today?? ALL CLOSE..."

then bor huat...we plan to chit chat at Queensbay's station 1...
but, let me saw the Yogurt shop..
Tutti Fruitti~

the taste nice neh...cos i add many thing inside...
so happy, because is my 1st time go thr...^^

after that, we back d~...and my Friday END~~~



today, i make my hair curly, because wanna go to shooting....
but unfortunately, cant find the cloths...and the weather also no good
so the shooting session CANCEL~
change plan....outing...^^

just wake up...messy curly hair and noob face~

after do this do that...
become this ...look abit aunty d...

then go lunch 1st..
i come liao...order many again...
mine 1...

my friend 1~

share d^^

after d lunch...
at Gurney new Wing have "Smurf" event...
i took some picture of cute they are...^^
walk walk and have a cup of ChatTime~
yummy~ my Red bean PM~

after that, i wanna eat Tong Soi~
my friend fetch me to the tong soi shop that yesterday close d...
Sugar Dynasty...
this time got open d...
mine 1~泡篸炖雪蛤
my friend 1~芒果西米露~

after that i went to new world part there walk and see...
that is my 1st time walk at the at night...quite many thing see d...^^

after that go to Straits Quay to have the shooting session...
1st time using my friend's wife Canon 5D to shoot the few scene...
if u interested on my photography,can visit

by the way, these 2 days, i need to thank my friend,
bring me out and accompany me whole day^^
Thank You, Bernard Ong Yuan Zheng
[i know u saw this sure ki siao d^^]

Thursday 25 August 2011


today very sensitive~
listen a music~
《I Think Of You》
[can click for a look-- if can, play this music 1st then only read the blog]

but besides listening music, i still look at your profile picture from last until now...

and my tears was uncontrollable and dropping down unstoppable
because finish Final Exam for our last Sem
we going to say good bye with each others..

got the feeling to write about this~
my friends read carefully ya...

Josephine~ u are always our DaJie...anything me/we cannot settle, when u stand out...awhile nia...everything settle~really is "Master Level"
anyway, really thank you for these year that keep helping me especially..^^thanks you so much~

Daniel~u to say leh?? actually u have the creative the mind la...everything u can try to make it, so in future, ganbahteh..besides, u have many cold cold d story lo...hope next time gathering si dun tell again the story ya...actually u are the good guy, although u not found your Ms.Right yet, but i think 8 of us will always support you d..~~
Chun~ u a guy always keep quiet like every1 is own you money like tat, but after u open ur mouth, den everything become COLD, because, everytime u open ur mouth, then will come out some unexpected word...but i think now every1 of us is learn from u already...sometime will answer ppl some cold cold the question the...><, anyway...go to degree, must gambahteh la^^
Lung~i direct took it as my blog the pic when i saw this pic ..^^because is too funny and naughty just like what u did at college...haha^^right??..u are...everytime bully me lo...but will find the excuse said tat is let me learn something but not bully many excuse u can find, huh~
anyway, thank you so much that everytime help me settle if i make some mistake [but i think everytime i also make mistake d] thank you, and gambahteh at Kampar ya...dun always game Degree no ppl will copy the time table for u d...haha

Gmin~min min, actually i forget what happened when we 1st met d..but i know u always with vivi and shirley them...of course, want to thanks u that borrow ur laptop then only have this Blog-- ... cos i remember that time was our Cert. Sem 3 d Final...i move to ur hostel to study..and we sing[superstar sing d song wat fish(hu~)^^], we movie, we cook, we eat...and dessert[ red bean, still remember??haha]..
after final drive by motor go movie singk and movie again...^^that time never think today will happen so fast...sad sad...><

Pei~actually i only know u are cold cold d person...cos last time we never have the conversation, and when i want to talk with u, will scare scare dei ..haha...but now...we can shop, cook, discuss, gossip, the thinking, the concept...almost same because we are YangYang~miemie~~haha
anyway...thank you that teach me some special recipies and plan so much Family Gathering for us.. and think for them what should we cook for them...and bla bla bla~
and nice to meet you~and wish u have the greater and brighter future in your life..and good bye for our college life^^
Vivian~this zha bor sui sui everyday, dun like ppl say she is fat or big...[of course i dun like also], cannot make her angry if not..."Volcanic eruptions--火山爆发"ppl pun cant save diok u...
but u are pretty...dun care about Lung or others said wat la...
be urself is here also wanna say sorry to you la...cos i always "cat" u when u say something...hehe^^
hope u dun mind i know u going USM ok...wish u become a great teacher in future..with PR skill d^^hehe, +U ya^^

DT~brah brah, u are the last person that i know u in our group...i also forget hw we met, of course was in tutorial group M57, hehe^^
mayb btw us hv less memory , but i still know friendship forever..
by the way wanna tell u, everything pass, juz let it go, and in future u will get the greatest 1..
god bless u^^ and +U ya...[in Broadcast class]

ok....9 of you is my best friends in college life, but does u realise we still forget to count a pretty in???
yaya...that is our Certificate Friend that finished Certificate then fly to Perth, Australia to continnue the degree course...REMEMBER who is that??
yeah~ read till now should know who is that^^

Keikei~i think u already forget u have this photo d right^^, but it still keep inside my phone since last time[ mean 3 years ago^^]
i remember that, u seem a small body, but u can help me fight back Lung~haha...thanks ur protection on that year..haha....^^
we still dance together, study together, assignment together, acting together [but u are actor, i am the videographer la^^]
anyway, u fly thr few years d..when u plan to fly back???we miss u so much^^

our Activities btw these few years~

our PR course big Project 2010/2011--
Go Green Campaign

Dinner dinner+ Gather gather^^
Project Star at College~ Lung was the 1 of the winner [3rd]
we went to supported him in Final~^^

Do "homework" at Mcd, really...
like eating more then studying wor...hehe^^
our latest event--Mass Comm nite 0308~
crazy group~!^^

we are together from Certificate till Diploma,
we never give up and walk until last....
give applause to ourselve, cos we did it~

**good luck for those who continue to Degree;
and for those who going to work...
gambahteh ya...u are going to challenge the real society already^^

Sunday 14 August 2011


today quite busy...

i wake at 12pm...then prepare going to the funtion
because i promise my friend Steven Lim have a shooting at Batu Ferringgi
so i leave early and rush back to hostel to prepare my shooting stuff

at Batu Feringgi i SS behind d scene..haha

this is the sky today...look very nice~
u think neh??

after that i go dinner with photographer and Jojo at James foo
this is what i order...
but i think next time i order back my fish la...
this 1 not suit to me...~

after that i go movie with friend [ Bernard Ong]
Love is the only answer~
nice nice~~
you all should go watch oh~^^

after that supper with friend at a unknown place
[eat porridge><]...
haha...because i really dun know the place...haha....

Saturday...really full of activity...but need to work hard
final exam is coming...
juz leave few must +u lor...^^
Usha Usha~~

Wednesday 10 August 2011

thx a lot to you~^^

today morning i received the message from my friend --Gmin
her father pass away on this morning~
SAD...what happen???
get shock and ...dont know want to reply her...

then we plan to go to the funeral tomorrow with my classmates~

in class...i received my result ~
i pass d...^^, although not really high....but i really thanks alot, Ms Louis, give me d chance to get the great marks~

because these few day i get a NEW VIRUS...i cough for few days~
and because of cough, i drink the "Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa"

going to finished ~><

this evening~i meet my friend for dinner and also movie^^
we go to Gurney Sakae Sushi~

again...i eat quite lots...haha^^

these are mine~

this is my friend 1~[ a big meal^^]
we finished the meal ~and rush to the cinema~

Luckily~the movie not yet start~
Today's movie~

"The Rise of Planet of The Apes"
the movie this really really nice~
got few scene i get shock
for few scene i going to cry...but, not yet...haha^^
anyway, this is the movie i recommend u all go to watch also...^^

by the way, thanks to my friend~~Bernard Ong...^^
haha....hope u enjoy the movie also...^^