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Tuesday, 29 December 2009

21-12-09..tang yuan eve~~

today is dong zhi eve..

after class, when i back hostel, my friends suggest that 'make Tang Yuan', i say if other wan it i can help d..

so when i reach hostel i open d msn and ask others-->vivian, huipei, gmin..

final decision, they wan...

so i go down to the market and buy the ingredient of Tang Yuan, cos b4 that we already plan to having our dinner together at gmin hostel..

today many ppl...and we cook many food to share..

besides that i also prepare the ingredient..

when i cooking, my leg go crash d soup cover ..become 'oh ceh'..haiz..
we tell the guys we will start the dinner at 830pm....but...hehe..^^...we finish cooking tat already 9pm++ d...every1 hungry till die d...haha

finish cooking, we sit 2gether

we take d pic and start to nice...hahah..

after finish d dinner, we prepare the ingredient of Tang Yuan d...

after that we start to make our Tang Yuan..
we using about 30-45mins to finish it..
then i become a camerawomen ...go to take a short video talk about the 'event' of the day... (who want the video can ask from me..hehe^^)

we wait till 12am..the Tang Yuan can eat d... nice...haha~~~happy tong zhi~~hehe^^

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