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Wednesday, 8 September 2010

flash back...

i woke up this morning

suddenly saw my past birthday present in my bedroom

long time dint look again my present gave by my friends who had attend my party

i saw a "cute" friend/course mate wrote in a b'day card
:" u old d, but u cannot angry abt what i say , because it will let u look more "old"..."
but luckily the wish was "stay pretty" , hehe :)

and i realised that all my friends know me very well, cos the ribbon all are tie with purple colour, even the present box,b'day card...(actually i keep all the things, like ribbon, box and ...)

and it let me think of the day of my party...

everyone wish me, everyone enjoy it, everyone "play" me...

and also YOU are the one who involve in..

then start again the imagine..

Flash Back...

something is good but mostly is bad...

but i just can keep You as "flash back"..


i am Flash Back+ing again^^

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